
Physical activity and health-based education, advice and support to help you achieve.

  • Private Initial Consultation

    During the initial consultation, an AEP will complete a full assessment which includes assessing current symptoms, previous medical history, current physical activity status, anthropometric and hemodynamic assessments, fitness testing and exercise prescription. Once a detailed picture of your goals and conditions has been achieved, treatment options will be discussed and planned.

    1 Hour appointment

  • Standard Consultation

    Review of current exercise prescription and goals, modify or progress program as needed.

    30 minute appointment

  • Medicare Chronic Condition or Complex Needs Consultation

    See GP for a referral. The consultations are designed to provide specialised individual treatment services to clients who have chronic medical conditions and complex care needs.

    We aim to prevent or manage chronic disease or injury and assist in restoring your optimal physical function, health or wellness. We adopt a holistic approach to rehabilitation and combine clinical exercise prescription with appropriate lifestyle advice to help you regain your quality of life and have you back doing the things you love.

    30 minute appointment

  • DVA initial & Subsequent Consultations

    You may receive exercise physiology services if you have an assessed clinical need and a Veteran Gold Card or Veteran White Card and your treatment is for an accepted service-related condition, and you have a chronic disease or are recovering after a hospital stay for treatment of a major injury or illness.

    Your exercise physiologist may provide you with a treatment plan, including the type, number and frequency of services you require, and teach you the skills to independently manage your health condition through an exercise regime.

    Get a referral for treatment covered by the MBS from your GP, medical specialist, treating doctor in the hospital or hospital discharge planner.


For individuals & groups

  • Women’s Health Individual & Group Exercise

    Exercise for women, focusing on building a strong pelvic floor and increased strength for daily activities including carrying children, groceries, the weight of being a strong independent woman and sometimes all those things at once. Learn about your body and how to smash your fitness goals. Get strong, and get confident ladies!

  • Group Exercise for over 65 years

    Regular physical activity is one of the most important things older people can do for their health. It helps prevent or delay many of the health conditions that come with ageing, keeps you independent and improves balance helps prevent falling. Want to keep up with lawn bowls, stay seated comfortably for bingo or be strong and flexible to pick up the grandkids? Join us to strengthen your bones and improve your balance. All exercises can be modified to suit your conditions and current level of fitness.

Learn More

Are you interested in learning more about our individual or group classes? Or have some questions about our consultation process and how Foundation Exercise Physiology can improve your quality of life?

Send us a message using the form below and we will be in contact shortly to answer all your questions.